Snaz is a super sweet 2 yr old grey tabby. He is super loving and just what the doctor ordered. We could all use a little unconditional love.
Aidan: Mommy, you're my sweetie.
Mommy: Yep, and who's my sweetie?
Aidan: I am!
Mommy: Who is Daddy's sweetie?
Aidan: Cisco!
Mommy: Who is Simon's Sweetie?
Aidan: ME!
Well, my sweet Robert passed on Friday. The doctor removed the ventilator and he was gone within minutes. He was very ill with no chance of recovery. It doesn't make it any easier though. He was my angel. Do a good deed today.
This is Aidan's new obsession. I used to love this cartoon when I was a kid. Now I've passed it on to my son. He loves to dress up as Tom (complete with red tie and cut-off brown pants). Here's a sample:
Mommy: Aidan, you're smooth.
Aidan: No I'm not.
Mommy: What do you mean you're not smooth?
Aidan: I'm not smooth at all.
Mommy: Well then, who's smooth?
Aidan: Donald O'Connor and Gene Kelly. They're smooth.
Playing with a toy Nonna gave to him,
Mommy: You know that Nonna gave that to you.
Aidan: Yeah, because she's a good girl.
Mommy: She sure is.
Aidan: Nonna's my friend. She loves me, but I love her!
So our friend Robert is in the hospital (very sad, say a prayer). He's in ICU so Aidan couldn't visit. I asked Aidan to paint a picture for him and we would take it to the hospital for him. Aidan drew a nice watercolor. After some discussion, this is what Aidan told me to write on the picture,
"I made a picture for you Bobby. Give it a try. Feel better!" It now hangs in his hospital room, but Robert hasn't been awake to see it yet.
Playing with Bender,
Aidan: Ow, my ass.
Mommy: Aidan.
Aidan: Ow, my ass.
Daddy: Aidan, don't say ass.
Mommy: Yeah, say butt instead.
Aidan: (as Bender) Bite my shiny metal butt!
So I was making (defrosting) a corn dog for Aidan. As a vegetarian I am often curious about meat products. I'm especially curious about novelty meats and any meat in "dog" form is definitely a novelty meat. I decided to read the ingredients to find out what meat(s) I was feeding my son. The first two ingredients: pork and mechanically separated turkey. Yum. Two meats that apparently taste great together. Aidan, who doesn't miss a trick, heard me talking about it which led to this exchange,
Aidan: Mommy (holding out his corn dog) wanna taste.
Mommy: No thank you.
Aidan: No try it. It's good.
Mommy: No thank you Aidan. I'm full.
Aidan: But it's turkey. You like turkey.
Mommy: No, I actually don't eat turkey.
Aidan: Yes you do (putting the corn dog in mommy's face) you like turkey. Here, try the turkey. Just eat this pine cone. (Looks at mommy and starts laughing).
Mommy: (Laughing too) Eat the what?
Aidan: I said pine cone. That's so silly. It's not a pine cone, it's a corn dog. Here eat it.
And speaking of corn dogs (how often do you get to say that?) Aidan knows how to cook them. He puts a dog on a plate, opens the microwave, puts it in, closes the door and pushes 7 and 0 and then presses start. Kinda amazing and sad.
Sitting on the bathroom sink,
Aidan: Look mommy, I've got my twinklers twinkling up here. Oh, they stopped.
Taking off his boots,
Aidan: I've got boot feet. Look at my stinkers.
Aidan: Mommy, I will marry you so I can be king.
Mommy: You're gonna be a king?
Aidan: I am a king. See (puts spoon on head) here's my crown.
Aidan has been super charming lately, a sample:
Mommy: Aidan, let me get that for you.
Aidan: You don't need to little princess.
Mommy: Who's a little princess?
Aidan: You are of course.
Leaving mommy in the bedroom to get a baba in the kitchen.
Aidan: (on his way out the door he turns back to look at mommy) Stay beautiful.
I really swear that Aidan is smarter than me. Not that I think he'll get higher SAT scores than me, but he is way more on the ball. For your consideration,
It's night time. Aidan is watching a night night show. Of course it's Futurama and it's the episode where Bender grows to be 500 feet tall. So Aidan is watching this on the laptop on my bed. I'm sitting in a chair reading. Suddenly he comes to me looking for a flashlight. I find one for him and continue reading, figuring he's done with Futurama. He then starts turning out the lights. I start to pay closer attention because now I can't read my book. He then props the flashlight on the bed and stands in front of it, casting a shadow on the wall. He adjusts himself so that the shadow is really giant. "There," he says. "I'm 500 foot Aidan," and he proceeds to act out the episode. This kind of stuff just kills me. In my feeble brain, I think he's finished his original activity and moved onto the next, but no. He isn't switching activities, he's enhancing it. He wanted to be 500 feet and he figured out a way to do it.
Aidan: It's yellow, very cute and wrinkly. What is it?
Mommy: I don't know, what it it?
Aidan: It's a caterpillar.
Aidan: What is it? It's melon, it's red, it's juicy and it's yummy. It's a watermelon!
In celebration and holding up his sippy cup,
Aidan: That calls for a drink.
Looking at the few pieces of dog food on the kitchen floor,
Aidan: It's a total dog food mess.
Wanting mommy to open up his can of apple juice,
Aidan: C'mon mommy, you gotta pop my top.
Aidan: Can we eat those beans?
Mommy: Yeah.
Aidan: No, because they're too magicy. If we eat them, then a beanstalk will grow in our belly.
Mommy: Where would the beanstalk go?
Aidan: It would come out our noses. It will look like a trunk.
Mommy: A what?
Aidan: A trunk that hangs down off an elephants face. That's what a trunk is.
In mommy's office, there is a desk for Aidan. Complete with a computer. He calls this his office and he does his work by randomly punching keys on the keyboard. Typically the computer is used to entertain Aidan while mommy does work on her computer. Aidan like to watch cartoons on You Tube. His favorites are Donald Duck, Pluto and Chip 'n Dale. Yesterday as I was logging off his computer he said,
Aidan: Mommy, don't touch that computer it's my computer. You'll get your germs all over it.
Aidan's in bed,
Aidan: Mommy, do you wanna snuggle?
Mommy: Yeah.
Aidan: Well, come on.

So when Aidan plays rough with mom or dad, he occasionally gives them a bonkers. Here is the typical conversation that happens,
Mommy: Aidan, be careful. That hurt.
Aidan: I was just loving you.
So tonight Aidan was playing rough with mommy and mommy got kicked,
Mommy: Aidan, that hurt.
Aidan: I was just loving you in a hurty place.
Aidan: Simon is the little cousin, Rowan is the medium cousin and I'm the biggest cousin of all!
Looking at a picture of Simon,
Aidan: He's in California. I'm going to go back to California. I will go to Aunt Julie's house and we will take him to the park and the fish store.
Handing Aidan another picture of Simon,
Aidan: No mommy, I don't want to hold Simon. Aunt Julie will hold Simon.
Aidan: One question.
Mommy: What?
Aidan: You stink!
Every time he drinks a baba and is halfway done,
Aidan: Up your face mom.
A variation,
Mommy: Up your face Aidan.
Aidan: Up you face too Mommy.
Typically out of nowhere,
Aidan: I hope these underwear hold up.
Aidan, in his Peter Pan costume, was seen sprinkling salt all over himself (while in mommy's bed of course).
Aidan: Oh, there's something I forgot. Dust.
Mommy: Dust?
Aidan: Just a little bit of pixie dust (sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle).
Mommy is sick, really sick, bedridden sick, but that doesn't make Aidan any less hilarious.
Calling mommy at work and pleading with her to come home,
Aidan: Mommy you have to come home. You left your drivers license here. (She had not).
His bedside manner,
Aidan: Mommy, you're sick. You need to blow your nose. Go blow your nose mommy.
Not a quote but a fact. Instead of saying "slow pokes" he says "slow folks." Isn't that charming?