Aidan is showing me his backside,
Mommy: What is this?
Aidan: It's my butt.
Mommy: What do you want me to do about it?
Aidan: Get some underwear for it.
Mommy: Aidan, could you turn that light off for me?
Aidan: (exasperated) Very well.
Aidan in bed,
Aidan: Mommy, I need some lovings.
Mommy: Where?
Aidan: Everywhere. C'mon, let's snuggle.
Watching Wall E
Daddy: There's the captain. What's his name? Captain Flabs?
Aidan: No, it's Captain Boneloss.
After brushing his teeth,
Aidan: Mommy look at my teeth! They're all clean and sparkly!
Playing with a light saber,
Aidan: I'm gonna get 23rd century on your ass!
Mommy: Aidan, don't say ass.
Aidan: But ass is funny.
Mommy: It's a naughty word and people don't like to hear it. Especially from a little boy.
Aidan: Ok. I'm going to get 23rd century on your (pauses for an acceptable substitution to ass) giblets.
An actual conversation over dinner last night:
Daddy: Aidan, who is our President?
Aidan: George W. Bush. He's bad.
Mommy: Yeah, I don't think he's been a very good president.
Aidan: Me either. He talks bad.
Mommy: Yep, and he doesn't have good ideas.
Aidan: No he doesn't. Obama has the good ideas.
Mommy: Yes, that's why I voted for him.
Aidan: Me too.
Mommy: He's going to be our president soon, in 8 days.
Aidan: Yay 8 days!
Mommy: Bush's turn is almost all done.
Aidan: And then Obama gets a turn. Daddy calls him Barack Obama, but we just call him Obama.
Aidan has created a new game called "Toilet." It's easy and fun. The rules are simple, someone flushes the toilet (after being used) and whoever is playing (usually mommy and Aidan) run for high ground. This means we usually jump onto a bed or a couch. We have to make it to high ground before the flushing cycle stops making noise. If we don't make it in time, then we lose. If we do make it, then we are winners in the game of toilet. That is how you play Toilet Classic. There is a new version that I'm naming Extreme Toilet. This is when the toilet flushes when you aren't expecting it. It usually takes Aidan a few seconds to hear the flush and then call, "Quick Toilet!" This is the call to high ground and you better be quick. I suggest you try it, it's gonna be huge.