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Aidan and I were driving in the car and had this fun exchange:
This song was playing on the radio, check out the wonderfully dated "video"

Mommy: Aidan, when mommy and daddy got married we had a party. This was the first song we danced to after we were married.
Aidan: Yeah, you had a big party and you ate lots and lots of food. When you went home you found out you were pregnant.
Mommy: Because of the food?
Aidan: Yeah. Then when I was big enough you went to the hospital and BAM, Aidan. You were so happy to meet me.
Mommy: I sure was.


  1. julia said...
    BAM, Aidan! We were all so happy to meet him.
    Nonna and Papa said...
    Oh my God! That is the cutest story! How lucky we all are that you ate the right foods! Yes, Aidan...we are all so very happy to meet you!

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