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Playing Favorites

This shouldn't make my day, but it does.
I went to Aidan's school this morning to deliver some Christmas gifts for his teachers. They were nice handmade scarves (perfect for a cash-strapped mom). I thanked the teachers and told them how much we appreciate all that they have done for us. The Head Teacher took me aside and told me how great Aidan is and how much he is progressing. Then she told me that "even though I love all of my students, Aidan has a very special place in my heart." Yay, he's a favorite. This shouldn't bring me joy, but it does. Aidan is the favorite of the class. He's totally great and it's nice when other people acknowledge it!


  1. Giggly said...
    I have a feeling he will be the favorite every year ;)
    Nonna and Papa said...
    Of course he's a favorite!!! He's the cutest, nicest, smartest, funniest and mostest terrificest 4 year old!!!
    Oh...and he's also the world's most LOVABLE 4 year old!!!
    I'm sure he'll be charming his teachers all through school1
    julia said...
    I'd feel the same way if I were Aidan's teacher!

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