Gorgak is a popular name in our house. It's from Futurama. In Futurama it's the name of the Prime Minister of Trisol (My Three Suns). In our house you get called a Gorgak if you're being a grumpy guy or acting jerky. It's a pretty useful word when explaining someones actions. It doesn't mean that you're a bad person, it just means that you're acting a little monstery.
Mommy: How was camp today?
Aidan: Nice, but Oliver was being a Gorgak.
Mommy: Yeah, sometimes he can be a Gorgak. Did he get better?
Aidan: He started to be nice, so he wasn't a Gorgak anymore.
Mommy: Have fun at school. Don't be a Gorgak.
Aidan: I wont.
Aidan: I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Daddy: I love peanut butter and jellyfish sandwiches.
Aidan: It's peanut butter and jelly. You were wrong. (teasing) You are a Gorgak.
Mommy: That proves it.