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Aidan has this routine when drinking out of his sippy cup. He twirls his hair while he drinks. Last night he had a sippy cup right after his bath and his hair was wet. He had his cup, but he didn't drink. He was watching a night night show (Futurama) so I figured he was hypnotized. About a minute later he said:

Aidan: Mommy, I'm going to wait for my hair to dry so I can drink my baba.

Mommy: Why is that?

Aidan: Because I swirl my hair when I drink and it's too wet now.

Mommy: That's right, you twirl your hair when you drink.

Aidan: Yeah, that's what I like to do.

He knows what he likes.


  1. Giggly said...
    That's smart!

    It is easier to twirl hair when it is dry. I twirl my hair when I drive. I'm glad my hair is growing out long enough to twirl again :)
    julia said...
    He knows what he likes and he's patient enough to get the job done right. Even when it looks like he's zoning out, he's got a plan!

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