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Robot update

So last night Aidan said,
"Mommy, could you put that movie on with the robots." and to preempt me he added, "It's great, it's beautiful!" I put on a DVD of shorts. After watching it for a minute or two he said, "Mommy, can I see when they are in the spaceship." Which means the opening credits. The shorts didn't have the opening credits and apparently he remembered this part from the one time he saw it the day before. Crazy.


I know I promised more tales of woe, but those aren't fun to write. Instead I'll write about Aidan's love of robots (it knows no bounds.) His favorite robot is that lovable scamp Bender:

Isn't he cute? Aidan loves this guy. His love for Bender has translated to other robots. His latest
robot buddy is Wall E. I took him to see the movie and we loved it (****!).
Well his robot love took an odd turn yesterday. I received some birthday presents in the mail
yesterday from my lovely sister (thanks!),

Mommy: Look Aidan, I got some birthday presents from my sister, your Aunt Julie.
Aidan: Oh yeah...why?
Mommy: Because she loves me.
Aidan: I love her too.
Mommy: (reading the card) It's from Aunt Julie, Uncle Michael and Simon.
Aidan: Yeah, Simon is my Big Face.

Anyway. One of the gifts was a Mystery Science Theater 3000 video. Aidan saw the robots on the cover and demanded we watch the movie. These guys:

So I put the movie on. It's totally not anything that kids would be interested in, but those damn robots are there. I had to leave it on for the entire 2 hours. He wouldn't let me stop it or put something else on. He wasn't even watching it. He just wanted to know that it was on. The first time I changed the channel he protested,
Aidan: No mommy, put it back.
Mommy: But Aidan, it's not that great.
Aidan: No, it is great! It is.
So I had to put it back. Every time I changed the channel he would say, "mommy, it's great. It's really great. See the robots." He didn't need to watch the show, he just found comfort in knowing they were there.


Here's a little snapshot of my life:
It's midnight. I'm sleeping when I hear an alarm go off. It takes me about 10 seconds to realize it's the smoke alarm. I'm not worried because these things make a similarly loud sound when the battery is low. I stumble into the living room and the first thing I notice is all of the smoke in the living room and nearby kitchen. Yikes! I panic a little now. I see that the source is in the kitchen somewhere. Once in the kitchen I see the problem, there is tons of smoke by the way. Husband was cooking. On the stove, just pouring out smoke, was a tortilla burning in a frying pan. The thing was black and tarlike. Nothing was actually on fire, but the smoke was incredible. I turned off the stove and went in search for husband. I find him asleep on the couch in the living room with smoke swirling all around him. He's literally sitting up (not leaning back) and snoring. I wake him up and apprise him of the situation. He turns off the smoke alarm and proceeds (very groggily) to make another quesadilla. What? Here's the problem. He was in the emergency room the night before for a bad reaction to some medication he's taking. The doctor prescribed him Ambien. All well and good, but husband took the Ambien before the quesadilla extravaganza and he fell asleep where he was sitting. Not a comforting thought. Fortunately no damage was done, but the house smelled like burnt toast for a couple of days.


Aidan cut his foot. Nothing major, but a little slice on the bottom of his foot. There were tears, the need of the Band Aid and this sweet little gem,
Mommy: Do you want me to blow on your foot?
Aidan: No mommy, that would make me even sadder! I just want some lovings.

What I've Read

It's been a while since I posted, so I'll just give a quick update. To make this easier I've devised a rating system using a few Aidan's key phases:

****Double Thumbs (GREAT!)
***I liked it (GOOD)
**It's not that bad (OK)
*It's Bothering me (BAD)

The Books:

*** Storm Runners by T. Jefferson Parker

**1/2 Little Saigon by T. Jefferson Parker, *** if you're interested in the Vietnam War and its refugees

*** The Judas Goat by Robert B. Parker

** Nothing To Lose by Lee Child. I was disappointed as this is one of my favorite authors.

**1/2 Hide and Seek by Ian Rankin

***1/2 Tooth and Nail by Ian Rankin

Hospital Photos

Here are some pictures I took at the hospital. That poor sweet guy.

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