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Fathers day

The Gummy Bear Song

Thanks from a tip from California Slims (Cousin Simon) Aidan is obsessed with this video:

I don't get it and it hurts my brain. Aidan sings along and does all of the moves. He'll say, "You don't like it, but it sounds good to me." So the other day after singing along to the video for 10 minutes or so we had this exchange:
Aidan: Mommy, are we going to have a singing contest?
I have no idea where he even heard of such a thing.
Mommy: I'm not sure, do you wan to have one?
Aidan: Yes!
Mommy: Ok. I'll be on the lookout for one.
Aidan: Do you know what I'm gonna sing?
Mommy: Singing in the Rain?
Aidan: No, I'm going to sing the Gummy Bear Song. It will be totally hilarious. No one's ever heard that song before.
He then shows me his act. It's pretty good. I'm trying to get a video of it.


Gorgak is a popular name in our house. It's from Futurama. In Futurama it's the name of the Prime Minister of Trisol (My Three Suns). In our house you get called a Gorgak if you're being a grumpy guy or acting jerky. It's a pretty useful word when explaining someones actions. It doesn't mean that you're a bad person, it just means that you're acting a little monstery.

Mommy: How was camp today?
Aidan: Nice, but Oliver was being a Gorgak.
Mommy: Yeah, sometimes he can be a Gorgak. Did he get better?
Aidan: He started to be nice, so he wasn't a Gorgak anymore.

Mommy: Have fun at school. Don't be a Gorgak.
Aidan: I wont.

Aidan: I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Daddy: I love peanut butter and jellyfish sandwiches.
Aidan: It's peanut butter and jelly. You were wrong. (teasing) You are a Gorgak.
Mommy: That proves it.

Backyard Rainbows

Aidan wanted to have a Titanius Anglesmith (Fancyman of Cornwood) costume for Bender. He wanted this:

He got this:

Blog? What blog?

Oh how I have neglected my blog. Aidan hasn't been any less adorable or hilarious so I've got a stockpile of stories.
Aidan is really into the Futurama movie Bender's Game and has been quoting from it liberally. Here's a conversation we had while playing in the car (with the car parked in the driveway):

Aidan: We're going on an adventure.
Mommy: Watch out for the other cars.
Aidan: (leaning out the window and yelling at fictional traffic) Hey you. Don't crash my car! You are no match for my dragon style!

More snippets:

Aidan: (closing the air vents in the car) I'm turning off the oxygen.
Mommy: What's oxygen.
Aidan: The stuff you can breathe.

Mommy is laying down and daddy jokingly sits on her stomach,
Aidan: Daddy get off of mommy. You'll smush her bowels.

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