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The Gummy Bear Song

Thanks from a tip from California Slims (Cousin Simon) Aidan is obsessed with this video:

I don't get it and it hurts my brain. Aidan sings along and does all of the moves. He'll say, "You don't like it, but it sounds good to me." So the other day after singing along to the video for 10 minutes or so we had this exchange:
Aidan: Mommy, are we going to have a singing contest?
I have no idea where he even heard of such a thing.
Mommy: I'm not sure, do you wan to have one?
Aidan: Yes!
Mommy: Ok. I'll be on the lookout for one.
Aidan: Do you know what I'm gonna sing?
Mommy: Singing in the Rain?
Aidan: No, I'm going to sing the Gummy Bear Song. It will be totally hilarious. No one's ever heard that song before.
He then shows me his act. It's pretty good. I'm trying to get a video of it.

1 Comment:

  1. julia said...
    I can't wait for the video!

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