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Everything about my job is stressful. The work, the finances, the people, the environment, the future. It's all bad. I tell people how stressful it is, but they don't quite get it. Here's a little fact to illustrate my point. Three of the four people who work here are currently on Lexapro. FYI -Lexapro is pill for major depressive disorder and generalized anxiety disorder. This includes the CEO. All three have just started taking Lexapro within the last 6 months and say that work is the number one reason for their depression and stress. I'm the lone hold out. weird huh?


  1. julia said...
    That's sucky. What's your secret? How do you handle all the stress? I'll bet having Aidan as your ally (and crime-fighting partner) helps.
    Unknown said...
    Hi Karen,
    This is odd I realize, but Shannon emailed me your blog so that we could catch up. It's just been too long, after all we are family and I'm out of excuses.
    Anyway, the Lexapro thing is quite alarming. I'm going out on a limb here and hypothesizing that it's not the healthiest work environment. I'm glad you're able to cope with the stress. You must share your coping mechanisms with me sometime!
    Cousin Erin

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